Unethical SEO

You want your WebSite to top search engine results. There are Search Engine Optimization "SEO" experts who are paid to get your WebSite ranked better. But how do they do it? It's all smoke and mirrors to average business owner. There are many "SEO" experts out there that will do just about anything to make a quick buck at your expense. Over the years, people have pursued the ever allusive top rank on search engine sites such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and the countless others. The point really isn't always to obtain that coveted position, in some cases it is simply to redirect the top search results to a particular page. You as a business owner need to know that this is called Blackhat SEO and is minimally unethical, and many of the search engine companies consider it against their terms of service.

Blackhat SEO experts fully comprehend that their sites may anticipate that their sites may ultimately be banned irrevocably from search results. Would you like your WebSite banned from Google, never to appear in any search result ever again? Well you should know that the tactics of some disreputable SEO experts, code named Blackhat can lead to this unthinkable dead end.

Some of the more common tactics of Blackhat are: link farming, keyword stuffing, hidden text, blog comment spamming, and cloaking.While the use of these tactics may seem innocent enough, after all its your WebSite, they can lead to search engine delisting, a situation which is devastating to WebSite traffic.

Abacus uses SEO techniques that are approved by the major search engines, to ensure the long term viability of your WebSite search engine ranking.

Black hat

Black hat