Substance to what is lacking ...

You know the difference between customized service and regurgitated garbage that many designers pump out can be shown in a simple example at an Adobe Forum where users can help one another with DreamWeaver issues.

A "high volume" poster whom refers to themselves as a "Web Specialist" provided an response that simply failed to directly answer the original poster's question.  Or perhaps I should restate that, they responded with a bunch of regurgitated catch phrases that they had used in countless prior posts.  Certainly if the question was answered, this form of reply would be be acceptable.  But the reply simply did not answer the question.

Many would defend "why reinvent the wheel".  Automation can assist with productivity.  But when quality is forfeited you have to ask yourself, "Does the output satisfy the request?

Substance is actually answering the question being asked.  Substance is taking the time to understand the question and formulating an answer that works now and in the future.  Substance is the very essence behind each and every project Abacus undertakes.

Abacus takes pride and enjoys helping people with solutions that utilize the Web and the vast Internet marketplace.


If Google is the steadfast king, Bing a flashy and controversial queen, Yahoo is a has-been prince, AOL is a uncomely princess, then Wikipedia is the court Jester; where the true power lies.