Founding a web presence (Domains & Hosting)

New business owners ask this question frequently; What are the first steps in creating a website? As with any new endeavor it is vital to understand some basics. Knowing the terminology is an excellent place to start.

Domain Name: In traditional brick and mortar business, location is everything. Choosing a suitable location for your business will make or break your business. Likewise a domain name is critical.

But what is a domain name? Simply put a domain name is a series of characters which represents an Internet Protocol resource (commonly website and eMail). Internet users type in a domain name in their browser's address bar to view a website, or use the domain name in a eMail address, ie: AbacusWeb.com.

Often domains names are simply referred to as just 'domains'. Once domains are registered, they allow the administrator exclusive right to use or point the given domain to an Internet resource such as a hosting server. So in essence a domain is analogous to a street address. It provides a method for finding your website.

Web Hosting Service: is a type of Internet hosting service that provides for accessible space on the World Wide Web. Web hosts offer space on their servers which in turn hosts content available for Internet connectivity. A client either buys or rents space on a server and loads various files which are then accessed through a web browser such as Firefox. These files are interpreted by the web browser and displayed as web pages.

Quickly reviewing the process: a domain name is entered into a web browser. Your internet service provider will then request files from the hosting server designated as hosting your website, which then is interpreted into a webpage.

In the next installment of this series I will discuss the various files which come together to make a website.


Professional Website design & Development

You believe that if your going to do something, you should do it right the first time right? Building anything, especially at the very beginning is vitally important. Your small business website is no different.

The process of creating and designing a website can be a thrill ride. There are many pitfalls that unexperienced fall prey to. Just the simple decision of a domain name seems simple enough, but many small business owners do not make the right decision on their own.

The run of the mill business owner has many choices to establish their web presence. From those choices are many seemingly affordable solutions that turn out to be useless. How does a small business owner know what to choose?

There is a distinction between newbie and expert help in any filed of professionalism. Making the first choice to engage professional web designers to build establish your web presence is a choice which you will not regret.

One of the advantages of seeking out a professional web design and development company is the knowledge factor. Beginner coders and programmers don’t have the knowledge creating web sites such as professional web designers.

Companies that sell you a website on a monthly basis make you do all the design decisions and frankly unless you are an advertising / marketing professional the wrong design will turn away customers. Plus there are all the unexpected add ons that make that initial cost suddenly increase out of control. Add the fact that your on your own in bringing people to your site, and your hard earned money will simply be better spent making the right decision in the first place.

The right balance of web-site graphics and aspects of design is what makes a website eye-catching to potential customers. The use of acceptable color schemes is vitally important to target your desired customers.

Part of any successful website is carefully choosing the most cost effective marketing aspects. A professional knows how to attract website visitors that will increase your bottom line.


Unethical SEO

You want your WebSite to top search engine results. There are Search Engine Optimization "SEO" experts who are paid to get your WebSite ranked better. But how do they do it? It's all smoke and mirrors to average business owner. There are many "SEO" experts out there that will do just about anything to make a quick buck at your expense. Over the years, people have pursued the ever allusive top rank on search engine sites such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and the countless others. The point really isn't always to obtain that coveted position, in some cases it is simply to redirect the top search results to a particular page. You as a business owner need to know that this is called Blackhat SEO and is minimally unethical, and many of the search engine companies consider it against their terms of service.

Blackhat SEO experts fully comprehend that their sites may anticipate that their sites may ultimately be banned irrevocably from search results. Would you like your WebSite banned from Google, never to appear in any search result ever again? Well you should know that the tactics of some disreputable SEO experts, code named Blackhat can lead to this unthinkable dead end.

Some of the more common tactics of Blackhat are: link farming, keyword stuffing, hidden text, blog comment spamming, and cloaking.While the use of these tactics may seem innocent enough, after all its your WebSite, they can lead to search engine delisting, a situation which is devastating to WebSite traffic.

Abacus uses SEO techniques that are approved by the major search engines, to ensure the long term viability of your WebSite search engine ranking.

Black hat

Black hat


Flash - There's still life out there

There is some credible Flash trash talking among my colleagues and the Web industry in general. Several years ago Flash was the new and in-demand Web technology that could make any WebSite vitalized and come to life. Unfortunately enough bad apples got into the bathwater and our new baby was in threat of being thrown out...

Not so long ago the fact was simple, the computer geeks that understood how to make Flash do really cool things had no clue in the art of storyboard creation or really had any artistic skills to speak of. On the other hand the artists that could tell a wonderful story, and get their message across to the masses were frustrated beyond reason as how to make Flash do anything useful.

You see at first when Flash was first designed it was aimed at the artistic crowd. The same people that know how to communicate ideas through design. In the beginning Flash was much easier to use and this in turn allowed artistic types to pick it up without too much hassle. But then Flash had bigger and better dreams of becoming something more. Flash became more powerful by means of its own scripting language. More and more complex programming techniques were needed just to create the simplest effects. Unfortunately this left the artistic types in the dust, grumbling on how difficult it was to do anything with Flash. Adobe, the company behind Flash made a bad judgement that enough users would continue be able to use Flash as it became a more powerful Web medium. This idea was simply before its time. The only ones remaining to develop with Flash were the techno geeks, able to go boldly where no man has gone before, but you know geeks communications skills - NADA! If you question this I suggest you turn on the television and watch Big Bang Theory, and you start understanding the rift in geek communication skills. ~~ afterall isn't the reason for a WebSite to communicate a message?

In essence the majority of Flash proliferating the Net back in 2007 and still today in mid 2011, is a montage of screaming babies, pitiful and annoying. Restraint is a crucial factor in Flash usage. Too much and it becomes overbearing, used as accents it becomes a worthwhile tool. Along with proper usage is proper understanding of the tool. There is a future for Flash. As more and more graphic arts departments in colleges and universities start teaching Flash and the new medium in general, slowly but surely respectable Flash WebSites have taken their place alongside the pure HTML standard.

Even with the tenaciousness of Apple to bar the technology from its portable devices, new portable device platforms like Andriod are wholeheartedly embracing Flash. Only a year ago Flash was doomed to obscurity due to Apples dominance in the portable device market. Perhaps by sheer pressure the all-mighty Apple will give in, but even if it doesn't, they are no longer the only platform in town.

So there is still life in Flash; it is that the tool is utilized properly by gifted artists that make are able to communicate a message through it, as well as the growing number of portable devices that support it.


File names using a date code

Just like paper files, electronic files need to be organized, or else they get hopelessly lost. As an added benefit organizing your files reduces confusion and helps keep your sanity. Efficient management of your files begins with something called file naming conventions. One of the easiest ways to start organizing your files is to incorporate dates into file.

You may ask why should I put the date into a file name when my computer automatically associates the date into a file. One thing to consider is that you may update a file and thus changing the original date. By adding a date into the file name you are ensuring the file will be associated with the date you intend. Also if revisions of a document are made it is makes a lot of sense that files with an earlier date are earlier file revisions.

Some people find it more useful to have the date at the start of the file name, while
others might prefer it at the end. Either way, it is a useful sorting tool when the files are organized, and the same rule is consistently used.

The best way to list the date is based on an international standard following ISO 8601. This international standard date notation is: YYYY_MM_DD or YYYYMMDD.

Don't fret its not all that confusing when you understand these simple concepts. YYYY are the numbers used for the year, MM is the numerical month of the year between 01 (January) and 12 (December), and DD is the day of the month between 01 and 31. For example, the day that this post was posted, April, 23 2011 is written as 2011_04_23 or 20110423.

Why not just use the format you are already used to? Well this particular format allows ease of sorting and comparing files by date and prevents confusion with other date formats (especially in other formats that use just two digits for the year).

For example, this blog entry could be named:
to reflect that this entry was created on April 23, 2011.

Likewise a document containing the content (words & images) for a WebPage could be named:
This way the files are more easily sorted by date. All of the files and their revisions can be placed in the same folder.

File Names Boost Productivity


Abacus believes that communications is paramount to understand the needs of its clients. There are many forms of communications that are simply not used because of impracticality. Faxes are one such impractical way to communicate. Information in within Faxes can not be easily transferred as they contain only low resolution images of the sender's intent. For this reason Abacus does not accept Faxed documents. We realize this may be an inconvenience for a small minority, but it is necessary to ensure that all of our clients receive the best service possible.

Dilbert says NO to FAXES


What your clients cant see will hurt you

Did you know that one in twelve people interpret colors they are seeing incorrectly due to some sort of color deficiency. When Abacus designs for WebSites, we keep this in that a small section of the population will not be able to see the site as intended. That's a lot of people that most other companies completely ignore.

Understanding color blindness is crucial in design for obvious reasons. Color vision is pretty complicated. If you're not color-deficient or color-blind then it's hard to understand what color-blind people see. There are four kinds of color vision:

Regular vision is Trichromatic, meaning it implements the three color receptors (Red-Green-Blue). In practice, the cone cells in your eyes are called L, M and S (for long, medium and short wavelength reception), but the colors they interpret is actually closer to Yellow, Green and Blue. The wavelengths eyes interpret are vastly overlapping, so green light hits all three in varying degrees (and all wavelengths hit your rod cells).

Anomalous Trichromat is when individuals use all three color receptors but reception of one pigment is skewed and less sensitive. A Dichromatic aberration is when vision is only two of the three light wavelengths is interpreted. When most people say color blind a Monochromatic vision abnormality is the most extreme case. Some might call this seeing in gray-scale where very low color recognition is experienced.

Now this might sound very confusing which is the reason many so called designers don't bother to consider it in their work. Abacus takes this very seriously since the wrong color combination can make a design seem completely uncomprehendable, let alone get your message across. If someone can't see your website, then it is useless.