Being placed at the top of the search list for a particular term is what will drive more business to your WebSite.  The idea is to manipulate the search engines into bringing up your particular WebSite before your competitions'.  

The trick is that the search engine people don't want you to manipulate their results.  It's a mad race between search engine optimization specialists SEOs and the search engine companies themselves.  My money is on the Search engine companies since it is their game and they hold all the cards.  We go to them for the search results.  It is never the other way around.  We ask them what ranking something is.  We even ask them for our own rankings compared to our rankings last period.  Can you say dependence?

Now to the real reason why I am writing this particular blog piece.  A client came to me today and asked me why their listing was three pages down while their competitor, who does not even have a web presence is listed on page two.  I was baffled.  I could not fathom any logical reason why my clients listing would be as low as is was with a particular search term while their competitor had a higher listing without any website whatsoever.

First things first, I don't say I am a full fledged SEO.  They spend or should at least spend several hours a day trying to figure out how the search engine people are coming up with their newest trick to stop SEOs from promoting their clients WebSites.  Some SEOs are nothing more that glorified sales people dressed up in confusing statistics, and leave on the first train out of town once they get their money.  The good ones study your business and try to understand just what different avenues can be utilized through keywords.  I myself know enough to be dangerous and helpful to others.  When I create a WebSite I develop them with the basics that anyone show do as to properly introduce them to the search engine.  I actually spend a great deal of time devising the plan which will be used.

But it all comes down to the same questions why is this listing come before that other one?  Someone surely knows.  The metrics are there somewhere in a database some where, but I must only guess at there contents.

For I am QueryAll Question Everything It may time a long while to soft through the entire dump of information but all of if will be there to review.

Any comments?