Social Media Marketing - part of your marketing message

Social media marketing mas many definitions and preconceptions.  In short not grasping the basics is foolhardy.
  1. You must understand where your company is headed—where you want to be over a given time period. Every post to a blog, every customer contact that you acquire, building that relationship must be planned. What do you want people to see and know about your company? How will your readers interpret over time what you have posted months ago? Each time you write, involve your customer, the reader so they become part of the organization. If your message is not part of a plan, then you are not being efficient with your time an money.
  2. Bring something new your bog when you write. Share fresh ideas, new stories, insights—no matter the chosen social media outlet. When you bring your perspective, you are showing off your business.
  3. Most important is conducting serious research before you start on the social media road. Don’t figure it out as you go along. Stumbling along the way will muddy your message. Develop your own unique style of communication and stay with it, unless you change your entire plan.
Participating in social media for many market segments is simply not an option!

If you plan to have your company be in existence five to ten years from now it is mandatory that you begin now.  It's not to late to get your message out there, but soon it may be. If you are not in the game soon, it will be extraordinarily difficult to catch up. If your company is not activly using social media you will be ignored by kids, soon to be adults, that live on it.

Check out David Schwartz @ Business: Impossible where he will share with you “secrets” and can help get your social media strategy implemented.